不知為什麼,總覺得穿著緊身軍服緊繃翹臀的二次大戰士兵,帥的很,性感的很,也 Gay 的很。


注意看,跟穿粉紅短裙的 Christina Aguilera 合跳 Swing 的男生,是「So You Think You Can Dance / 自命舞棍」第二季的冠軍 Benji Schwimmer。

Swing dance 原本是1920年代,在紐約哈林區的美國黑人青年男女,在爵士酒吧或街頭,隨著音樂而跳的一種舞蹈。當中融合了原始的非洲舞蹈、爵士、踢踏舞、碎步等等。後來白人學去,融入美國南方舞蹈,又流傳到各州,東岸、西岸、北方、南方各有自己的一套。就不介紹太詳細,因為歷史很長,流派很多。最常在電視電影上出現的,是 Lindy Hop,因為這個流派會將人丟來丟去,從肩上跳過、胯下鑽過,看起來比較炫;Madonna 在「紅粉聯盟 / A League of Their Own 」當中跳的就是這種。我學過 Swing Dance,當時是因為 Eric 很喜歡,好奇之下去試跳一堂課,就喜歡上了。不過已經很久沒跳了,關節大概都生鏽了。跳 Swing 其實運動量很大,是減肥的好方法喔!


"Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine"
"Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine"
Sweet sugar,candyman.
Hey, uh

I met him out for dinner on a Friday night
He really got me working up an appetite
He had tattoos up and down his arm
There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm
He's a one stop jive, makes my panties drop
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man
A sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man

Ooh, yeah, yeah
He took me to this cotton club on Hollywood & Vine
We drank champagne and we danced all night
We shook the paparazzi for a big surprise (a big surprise)
He's a one stop jive, makes my cherry pop
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man (ooh yeah)
A sweet talkin sugar coated candy man


Hey, yeah
Oh, yeah

He's a one stop jive, makes my cherry pop
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man (oh)
A sweet talkin sugar coated candy man

Whoa, yeah
Well, by now I?m getting all bothered and hot
When he hits my mouth he really hits the spot
He got lips like sugar cane, oh
Good things come for those who wait

(Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine)
Candy man, candy man
(Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine)
Candy man, candy man

(Sweet, sugar, candy man)
He's a one stop, gotcha hot, makin all the panties drop
(Sweet, sugar, candy man)
He's a one stop, got me hot, makin' my *uh* pop
(Sweet, sugar, candy man)
He's a one stop, get it while it's hot, baby don't stop
(Sweet, sugar)

He got those lips like sugar cane
Good things come for ones who wait
He's a one stop jive with a real big *uh*
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man
(Say what) a sweet talkin sugar coated candy man
(Say) a sweet talkin sugar coated candy man, woo
A sweet talkin sugar coated candy man

Oooh, whoa
Candy man, candy man
Candy man, candy man
Candy man, candy man...

(Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine
Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine
Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine
Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine
Jane lost her grip and down she fell
Jane lost her grip and down she fell
Squared herself away as she let out a yell
Squared herself away as she let out a yell)

Christina Aguilera 這首「Candyman」其實帶有很濃厚的 The Andrews Sisters 勞軍歌「Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy」的味道,而她在MV中一人分飾三角,也就是分飾三位 Andrews Sisters。

GAP 的卡其褲廣告也用到 Swing dance。

由於 Swing dance 原本就是黑人青年們在街頭跳起來的,所以頗有「愛現」的意味。常常一群人在街頭圍圈圈,一對對的下到圈子中去跳,當然默契越好、花招越炫的,就會贏得越多掌聲,所以才出現那麼多舞步。現在的嘻哈風就有這樣的傳承 – 圍在街頭尬舞,而花招越多的越讚,所以你看其實 Swing dance 裡頭很多的舞步,在 Hip Hop 當中也都有出現,只不過 Swing 會特別重視協調性,因為你不是一個人在跳,整個畫面上一定是兩個人,無論手是不是牽在一起。

我又想回去上 Swing Dance 課了;遇到比較正式的舞會,還會穿上40年代的軍服與服裝,超有feel的。真希望有一天能像下面這幾位可以即興 showdown。

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