「最後的氣宗」在美國上映之後,老少咸不宜,大人小孩都罵聲不斷。是原動畫粉斯的,看完之後覺得自己被深深的羞辱了,因為不僅選角充滿種族歧視,劇情亂改,角色個性也變,甚至劇中原本使用的漢字,都全部都被刪除。而沒看過原著動畫的,則單純的受不了電影亂七八糟的節奏,表情僵硬的呆滯背稿演員,後製之後的假3D,看完之後不但若有所失,更升起無明火。美國有一位年僅11歲的影評人 Jackson Murphy 傑克森莫非,就坦白的以一個小孩/青少年的觀點,來說明他為什麼討厭「最後的氣宗」這部電影,並且請大家把錢省下來,不要去看。他給這部電影的評分是 D,根據他的標準就是 -- 「Avoid if you can」「能不看就不要看」。
傑克森弟弟,在他的網站「Lights Camera Jackson」上頭,提供與大人影評不同的角度,並且讓大家知道,小朋友並不是什麼片都喜歡看,並不是看到卡通就「wow」,小朋友也有自己的喜好,小朋友也有自己的品味。而且他的評論十分理性中肯,語氣並不幼稚,但也不過分成熟。
「動作場面沈悶,因為你無法與當中任何角色起共鳴,所以你根本不在乎哪方會打贏。」「The action scenes are dull, you don't get attached to any of the characters so you don't care which side wins.」
「Most of the dialogue is the characters talking simply to explain to the audience what's going on with the plot. There are too many unnecessary close-ups, poor use of slow-motion and the acting is corny, even for a fantasy film.」
「本片 3D 很弱,並且整片色調很暗,讓看得人很辛苦。特效?最大的特效就是結尾的時候,一座很大的水牆,這在其他電影當中都出現很多次,而且在本片預告片當中就已經看過了。」
「The 3D here is weak, and practically all of the scenes are dark, making it even tougher to watch. Special effects? Well, the biggie comes at the end, a big wall of water, that we've already seen several times in other films, and you can see in the trailer.」
「Most of the action that took place during the screening I was at was in the theater, with people constantly getting out of their seats and walking in front of the screen to go to the bathroom. Normally that would bother me, but this time at least it gave me something else to watch.」
「"The Last Airbender" is rated PG for some action violence, but there's really nothing bad in the movie, it's just a bad movie.」
傑克森弟弟在7月2號,也就是「最後的氣宗」在美國上映第三天之後,上了 CBS 電視台的晨間節目「The Early Show」,並且在電視上表達對這部電影的大失望。
他這樣說:「『最後的氣宗』,不怎麼有娛樂性。從第一幕之後,都很無聊,超無聊。演技爛,動作場面爛。這導演已經有20年導戲經驗,怎麼還導的這麼糟。我非常驚訝。許多不必要的慢動作。搞不懂。還有一堆特寫 – 是超大特寫喔,你根本看不到完整的臉。」傑克森認為這是今年最叫人失望的電影,並且忠告大家不要去看這部電影,尤其是 3D版。
「"'The Last Airbender,' yeah, not really entertaining. After the first scene, it's boring, really boring. Not good acting, not good action scenes and the director has been a director about 20 years," said Jackson. "This is terrible directing. I was very surprised. So many unnecessary slow-motion scenes. I don't get why -- and close-ups that were so extreme close-ups, you couldn't even see the edge of the face." To Jackson, this film was one of the most disappointing films of the year, and he advises audiences everywhere not to go see it, especially in 3-D. 」